Monday 24 January 2011

Gardens in July

July is peak flowering time for most gardens, perennial favourites such as Lavender, Penstemon, Fuchsias and Crocosmia are all coming into flower. In fact, just about everything in the garden is in full swing, even the weeds! On the horizon are the summer holidays and perhaps you’re preparing to leave your well-tendered gardens for a week or two. Maybe you’re wondering who will water your house plants whilst you’re away. Why not give your house plants a holiday too? It’s now the perfect time. If you think the only place to grow house plants is on a sunny window sill think again. Most tender plants you have growing inside would be quite happy to spend the summer in the garden. Bromeliads, Cacti, succulents, palms, swiss cheese plants, spider plants, Coleus, and many other house plants can create all sorts of interesting displays in the garden.

Here is my 4 step guide to creating a rainforest or desert garden.
1. Dig an area set aside for your display and mix some compost with the soil. Once you’ve done this, walk over the whole area on your heels, firming the soil to remove air pockets. Level the surface with a rake.
2. Dig a hole the same depth as the pot. Sink houseplants in their pots into the soil. It’s a good idea to place them out first so you can decide what looks best where.
3. For your desert garden you could finish by spreading gravel around the collar of the plant to prevent leaves from rotting and for the rainforest garden ornamental bark would add to its look.
4. Don’t forget, bring all plants back inside in Autumn

Things to do this month –It’s a good time to cut off those faded flower heads especially roses. This will encourage further blooms to form later in the summer. It’s worth making time to potter, tidy your beds, do some weeding and water pots and plants if they need it

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